Kamloops Beekeepers Club
General Meeting Minutes, 15 February 2022
Via Zoom
- Call to Order 18:38
Present: Gary Martin, Trisha Watkinson, Bryce Herman, Duane Robinson, Ian Farber, Mikael Kjellstrom, Michel Cheney, Dave Bruce, Nancy Burkholder, Joanne Nicklas
- Approval of Agenda: M Duane S Gary, moved
- Approval of Minutes: M Gary S Ian, moved
- Presentation Nuria Morfin – BC HPA, Tech Transfer Projects Program Lead
Active model for the TTP is to transfer research findings to industry through applied research.
Presentation project focus: Varroa mite economic thresholds throughout the different regions in BC.
To Participate in providing data to this project there are three surveys to complete: March 2022, September 2022, March 2023. The link to sign up to participate will be available on the BCHPA website soon. Until then you can let Nuria know you would like to participate via email to nuriamorfin@ttp-bchpa.ca
Thank you Nuria for sharing an outline of the current project focus and methodology!
- Policy re: Selling honey on the website.
We do have classifieds on the website with approval through webmaster.
Posting on Facebook, but need frequent interaction for post approvals.
- New Business
- Need to focus on Communications Chair: if there is someone you meet that would be a good fit, please connect them to Bryce
- Club Secretary update: can assist with social media until we have communications
- Face-to-face meetings: resume face-to-face meetings beginning March. Duane/Bryce to coordinate hosting.
- Spring field day: Early April; Joanne will contact Joe re Desert Hills being location again.
- Guest speaker for March meeting: Ian (Gary/Mikael) to coordinate speaker and presentation.
Committee Reports:
- Treasurer: ISCU has started charging minimal fees for account maintenance
- Governance: vacant
- Technology: Bryce is doing rotary presentations and will monitor traffic trends afterwards.
- Board Development: will review member list for internal candidates
- Events: Seedy Saturday, March 12th letter for volunteers. Market table for club with normal 10% of sales fee waived. Dave/Duane to work with Nancy re: observation hive.
Field Day: April] Day of Honey Bee: May - Fundraising: in-person meetings and tech transfer opportunities
- Education: Open to topic and meeting suggestions
- Communications: Active recruitment
- Next meetings: General Meeting, 15 March 18:30 @ TRU Scratch Kitchen
BOD, 19 April 18:30 location, Home Hardware Boardroom
- Adjournment 20:05 M Duane