BOD Meeting Tuesday, December 21st, 2021 @ 6:30 pm by Zoom
Kamloops Branch of BCHPA
- Call to Order; 6:37 pm. Attending: Bryce Herman, David Bruce, Duane Robinson, Gary Martin, Ian Farber, Joanne Nicklas, Mikael Kjellström. This was a Zoom meeting.
- Agenda; move to adopt as circulated/posted, m/Duane Robinson, s/Gary Martin, carried
- Minutes; move to adopt as circulated to BOD/posted on the website, m/Duane Robinson, s/Mikael Kjellström, carried
- Action Items from the minutes;
- Honorarium Re: Kamloops Branch – BCHPA Operational Manual
Confirming the budget of the $300 for the honorarium earmarked in 2021. - Presentation of Recognition Plaques – On hold until face-to-face meeting in January.
Recognize Laurence and Rob. Ordered. $20 per piece. Invoice to come. Will be held until the next face-to-face meeting depending on the pandemic restrictions.
- Honorarium Re: Kamloops Branch – BCHPA Operational Manual
- New Business
- Discussion Re: Dancing Bee Proposal.
After reviewing the offer, the executive has made the decision to step away from bulk orders. - Discussion Re: Selling Approval on Website/Social Media, etc.
Stay away from posts that sell a product. Instead focus on resources and resource lists to post that are of interest to the membership. Duane offered to assist with FB admin work. - Secretary Position, Governance & Communications Chairs – Ideas and Strategy
Big challenging filling the Secretary, governance, communication chairs. Face-to-face meetings would be a good place to involve membership to volunteer and recruit in person. Continue to actively recruit for the positions.
- Discussion Re: Dancing Bee Proposal.
Committee Reports:
- Treasures Report – Dave Bruce (Final Budget)
End up the year at about $13,000. $1000 donation to the Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Trust. A calendar could generate income for the club next year. - Governance – Vacant
- Technology – Mikael Kjellstrom
Looking for more volunteers to assist with Facebook/Social Media/Website. Duane agreed to assist with FB. - Board Development – Gary Martin
We have positions to fill. First, up is the Secretary position. - Events – Nancy Burkholder
No report. - Fundraising – Joanne Nicklas
Suggestions from Diane Dunaway were Tech Transfer Program, not a fundraiser, but the grant could assist membership with comb sterilization which is a great benefit. Queen rearing, educational opportunities.
Look into the deadline for the Tech Transfer Program grant. - Education – Ian Farber
Working on Zoom presentation for January Meeting. Winter feeding/Spring-oriented education. Face-to-Face Introductory Bee course, tentative in the 2nd, 3rd week of March depending on pandemic restrictions. - Communications – Vacant
- Treasures Report – Dave Bruce (Final Budget)
6. Date Time and Location of the next meeting:
- General Meeting Tuesday, January 18th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm via Zoom
- BOD Meeting Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm
7. Christmas greetings