AGM Nov 16 2021
Kamloops Branch of BCHPA AGM 2021
- Call to Order; 6:21 pm at TRU 15 present, ( BOD = Bryce Herman, David Bruce, Robert Hunter, Duane Robinson, Lawrence Bergstrand, Gary Martin, Ian Farber) Frank Blom-Election Chair. Members; 5 in attendance and 11 Online. This was a Hybrid (Zoom & in-person) meeting.
- Agenda; move to adopt as circulated/posted, m/Joe Lomond, s/Ed Perszon, carried
- Minutes; move to adopt as circulated to BOD/posted on the website, m/Duane Robinson, s/Gary Martin, carried
- New Business;
4.1 Education; Ian Farber led an informative session on “Rendering Cappings”. He referenced several online resources and demonstrated a small separator screen for winter use. His major recommendation was the use of solar melters for their safety, simplicity, cleanliness and low costs of construction and operation. For further information, one can search solar wax melters online and on YouTube called “Rendering Beeswax- My Way”. Uses of the rendered wax, current prices, and techniques for bleaching also came up in the discussions. Thank you, Ian! We appreciate that you share your local knowledge and proven techniques with us for our own beekeeping operations!
Please see more “Education” discussion below under item 5.1.6 below - Action Items;
5.1.1 Governance; Lawrence reported that there was nothing to note in governance.5.1.2 Technology; Mikael submitted a year-end report of work accomplished. This report describes the changes to our web-based and social media platforms. An analytics report for the website, now under our own administration is part of the report. .A number of significant developments have been brought into effect.
There are further opportunities for member engagement in providing content, editing, and input to our webmaster for website maintenance and development. Mikael brings considerable tech skills and would appreciate expanding the committee with input from members who don’t need a high degree of technological experience. Please contact Mikael to discuss member inputs and how you can be part of this important function. Any time you can help and commit is appreciated. Reach out to Mikael at or 250.377.50615.1.3 Board Development; Gary Martin – there are 3 openings for election this evening.5.1.4 Events; Nancy Burkholder (absent); no report at this time although Calendar 2022 and Photo Contest were raised for discussion. These events are under consideration for 2022. Member input is urgently needed to make them possible. Contact Nancy Burkholder
5.1.5 FundRaising; Joanne Nicklas (absent)submitted this report;
The fundraising portfolio has been quite quiet for almost a year now…. At the Sept. meeting, it was suggested the club look at selling nucs in the spring to raise money for a project. On reviewing this with Diane Dunaway our bee inspector, we will put this idea on hold until we are more certain of a number of things: inspections, where the bees will come from, how much profit, etc., etc.. If anyone has ideas, or suggestions for a fundraising project, please feel free to contact Joanne.
Discussion of the proposal followed Bryce’s introduction of Joanne’s email. The proposal is to sell nucleus colonies donated by members as a club-sponsored fundraiser. The meeting heard from Regional Inspector, Diane Dunaway, about the challenges around this proposal. A similar project having been run by the Cariboo Beekeepers for spring queen imports and packages might be a model to guide our own project proposal. Contact Joanne Nicklas joannenicklas@shaw.ca5.1.6 Education; Ian will be offering his course “Introduction to Beekeeping” in early March. Early registration is suggested as this course has not been offered for 2 years due to public health restrictions. Similarly, this year may have limited registration for the same reason.
The online course offered through the BC Apiculture Branch is likewise being offered again in January. Registration is available through the apiculture branch website. If you wish to be notified when course details and registration become available, please submit an email with your name, email address and location to: or
More info on website
Ian reiterated his request for member input as to the education needs of our membership. He would appreciate hearing from members as to how the club can provide the education topics that are needed. Please contact Ian to discuss. ianfarber1949@gmail.com5.1.7 Communications; this directorship remains vacant. Thanks to Christine vanSolkema for the work that she has done with our social media developments! We appreciate the needs and time constraints of a young family and, also, the contributions that Christine has made!
5.1.8 Treasurer’s Report; Dave Bruce; the Financial Statement for 2021 reports that the Branch maintains a balance of $13,500 (in all accounts) at this time. The 2022 Budget is available on the website to members and is open for members to put before adoption at the December BOD meeting.
To comment, contact any board member before the December 21st BOD meeting.5.1.9 Regional Rep Report; Murray Willis absent, no report. Questions regarding the BCHPA Spring Conference were heard from “the floor”. Whether this is a hybrid format and where the in-person meeting might take place were unanswered. Information should be available through the BCHPA website.
5.1.10 Operations Manual; Bryce Herman – this document was explained and is available online. It provides descriptions of roles and responsibilities of BOD, club objectives and procedures, etc and how the Kamloops Branch functions within the BCHPA Constitution and Procedures. - Elections; Frank Blom as Election Chair led the election in an absolutely flawless manner, according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Vacancies for Secretary and 2 Directors (Communications and Governance) went unfilled, as no nominations were brought forward. As the BCHPA Constitution requires a Secretary, the 2022 BOD must develop a plan to meet that requirement; that is to be done before the end of 2021. Responsibilities of Governance and Communications can be shared among the current Board members. This segment of the meeting was recorded.^
Big THANKS to Frank Blom for taking on this role and helping us through the elections! Such a professional job! - New Business; A motion from the floor by Ed Perszon. m/Joe Lomond, s/Dave Bruce “That Lifetime Memberships in the Kamloops Branch of the BCHPA be bestowed on Lawrence Bergstrand and Robert Hunter for long service to our Branch of BCHPA” Carried
- Next Meeting
8.1 BOD date December 21, 2021 format
8.2 General Meeting January 18th 2022 Zoom
8.3 BCHPA Semi-annual Meeting & Conference details TBA