First gathering of 2020! Lots of registrations! Many online through website, a few at the door by paper and cheque. David Bruce and Jill Kennedy did a great job of greeting and signing; Thank You! Registrations by paper will be entered manually over the next few days and web access developed for those members. Great to see so much enthusiasm! Thanks to Oliver Taylor, Web Committee Chair for helping with the work of transcribing registrations to the club registry!
Jeremy Heighton, a specialist in organizational development, has spent several hours, and extended his offer to continue, to help our club develop an organizational plan. Jeremy is providing his services Pro Bono and we are very appreciative of his help. He explained how we can tidy up our operations to build a strong and functional club that will be inclusive and efficient into the future. The process of “Board Development” will organize our existing structure as a Branch of the BCHPA in consideration of the particular ways that we arrange for our club to function.
This sounds kind of airy-fairy here, but the essence is that we need members to express their wishes and commitment, and build an enduring club structure. Meanwhile, we can get on with our beekeeping and fellowship! As we continue to meet with Jeremy and create a plan and structure for the club, the invitation is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Announcements to follow and the Executive will continue to pursue this goal, as was ratified by the membership at the meeting after Jeremy spoke.
Thank you ever so much, Jeremy! We appreciate the help that an outside perspective and experience can offer! We hope to see our receptive members join in the process.
The Break: Goodies, Nutrition, Fellowship, Whatever, and lots of buzz! Steve deWitt had a number of donated item for raffle and passed them along to a lucky few. Thank you to all who contributed to the raffle. The 50/50 went to KBC member Barbara Forster-Rickards (Glimpse Lk. & Vancouver); it wasn’t $12M but it was a boost to the club. Thank You Steve!
Our panel forum event, “Questions Beekeepers Aren’t Afraid To Ask” (and Love To Answer) followed the break. Thanks to our two panelists Marzena, and Elizabeth deVries for organizing the questions and coming forward to help. Thanks to Lawrence Bergstrand for IT, getting the groups’ responses up on the screen, and maintaining the web connections.
Thanks to Bryce for MC-ing. Thanks to all of you great beekeepers who broke out of your comfort zone and contributed to the group! It was a lot of fun to meet more of our fellow beeks, and talk about our passion! Thanks to Elizabeth deVries for supplying the laptops through School District #73. The results of the panel and forum discussions will be posted on the club website under Education and/or Meetings.
Opportunities for member engagement are many, please follow up to get in on any of these things, or suggest for consideration in the future;
Host an Event….Field Day, Picnic, Workshop, Fellowship, Education…
Join the Board…..Committee member, Chairperson, Website, BCHPA Regional Rep….
Share an Idea…..Suggest/Plan an Education event or topic, Bee Project…
Take on an activity…Coffee Break, Baking for meetings, organize bulk purchases…
Fellowship Offering…Recognize a Member’s Success, suggest a LifeTime Member candidate..
Offer Your Skills…legal, accounting, communications, web management, creative writing, start a blog, web building, FaceBook admin, Bee City representative, become a Mentor…
Acknowledge Someone’s Contribution…recognize successes of members…Share some great beekeeping article or news…For any of these, please contact your
Thank you to all,
Robert Hunter