Education Committee Education Committee Purpose: Education committee is responsible for developing member knowledge, skill and competencies in order to advance bee husbandry, and enhance the overall rewards of beekeeping for members, and the community. Goals: To define the educational gaps inherent in membership and create programming, nurture expert relationships, and enhance knowledge for our members through engaging and effective educational sessions. Reporting: The Education Committee reports to the Board of Directors at each Board Meeting. Membership: Structure: The Education Committee ideally shall be comprised of a Chair, 2 Board Directors, and 2 Members. Quorum for this Committee is three or a simple 50%. Appointment Duration: Officers shall be elected for a maximum of one two (2) year term. Tasks and Responsibilities • To assess (annually or more frequently) the knowledge gaps on membership. • To conceive, develop and execute an annual educational program. • To realize increases in knowledge in membership through feedback regarding education programming. • To submit an annual budget including targets and expenses for Board Approval prior to Fiscal Year End, for the coming year. Join Education Committee? Yes What would you like to be part of? Education School outreach Mentorship program Name: Email Phone Can you help? Your background info. reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Return to the previous page