KBC Board Mtg Feb. 9th 2021
Call to Order – 6pm – Welcome; President Bryce. Webmaster/Co-Host; Mikael Kjellstrom 1)Present – President; Bryce Herman, 1st VP; Klaus Voss (absent), 2nd VP; Duane Robinson (absent), Treasurer; Dave Bruce, Secretary; Rob Hunter (late arrived 7:45pm), Directors; Lawrence Bergstrand, Murray Willis, Mikael Kjellstrom, Gary Martin, Nancy Burkolder, Joanne Nicklas.
1.1) Approval of Agenda – as circulated and posted to website; M/Ian, S/Dave, carried.
2) Approval of Minutes of Jan BOD Mtg – as circulated and posted; M/Dave, S/Murray, carried. 3) Action Items from MInutes –
3.1) Website Update – Mikael Kjellstrom/Webmaster
Mikael reported about kinks in communications regarding the change-over of the Board and for the purposes of improving website communications and services. Mikael has solved a number of glitches since taking on the role of webmaster, and is implementing the adoption of “Google For Non-Profits” and the G-Suite of programs offered at no charge to groups like ours.
Mikael spoke directly to the Zoom purchase options and recommends the purchase of a Zoom license at $200/year. “Phone-in” option is available.
A part of the Google Workspace being adopted is the availability of open documents that can be shared, and archives for club documents and spreadsheets in a secure site accessible through successive administrations.
Mikael informed the meeting about the reasons for the web-based mail glitches that have been smoothed out.
Mikael recommended some ways to work around the need for a “security certificate” that occasionally appears as a “Warning; this is not a secure site” pop-up. The use of “https” demands the security certificate, but can be worked past by using an “http” approach. When encountering other difficulties, a screenshot of the notice can be sent with a request for help, to Mikael webmaster@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
3.2) Calendar Sales Update – “Calendar 2022” – Dave Bruce
Dave reported that the 2021 Calendar is sold out with some profit realized. Thanks to Dave for sales, and to Nancy Burkholder and Ed Perszon in spearheading this project.
Looking ahead to Calendar 2022 we would like to continue this momentum with a new Chairperson and Committee members. Nancy is looking for new photos, and Mikael has volunteered to assist in the photography selection and editing. Photos can be put to use to update the images on the website, too, but must be at least 300dpi and not blurred. Members may contribute photos directly to Nancy or to Mikael using the club webmail. Permission to use the photos is implied in their receipt, and ownership of the photos remains with the photographers. (OK Nancy/Mikael, Fine by Mikael)
4) New Business
4.1) Terms of Elected Officers and Roles and Responsibilities –
Bryce requested that a structure of Directors’ Terms be adopted as Policy, as follows; half of the Directors on Board be on 1-year term/s and half on 2-year terms, with 1-year terms not able to be re-elected to 1-year term/s. The intent being to build a strong practise of succession and service with experience. With seven Directors this year the one-year terms, by agreement among the Board members, are;
1-year term: Lawrence Bergstrand, Nancy Burkholder, Joanne Nicklas
2-year term; Mikael Kjellstrom, Gary Martin, Ian Farber, Murray Willis (subject to BCHPA Reg Rep DOLI coverage)
Roles & Responsibilities – No discussion at this time. Bryce would discuss with Directors privately to determine best fit and preferences to required Roles and needs of the club.
4.2) Club Zoom Account –
Motion; “Adopt Zoom Meeting Pro at $200/ year” M/ Mikael, S/Murray, carried.
4.3) Emailing Direct – Club-to-Member and Member-to-Member:
Ian suggested that Educational information be made more available among members by
distributing current news, events, information etc from internet postings etc. This would require permission to use members’ email by members.This would require a permission statement on the membership registration form. Distribution of members’ contact information would be a violation of the privacy requirements under which the club gathers and holds that information. Club-to-member mailings are acceptable under our present registration protocols, but these should be added to our membership registration form, a “Contact Permission Statement” by which members can accept or decline sharing of information. The club will not share members’ private information among members without express permission in each instance.
Club communications should then be separated into two groups between “Club Business” and “Beekeeping Education”. Members may elect to receive emails from either or both of these groups at the time of registration. Both mailing groups would remain under the control of the club, with an Education Chairperson directing the use of those communications, and responsible to an elected Board member. Club Business communications would remain the responsibility of the Executive, functioning through the Secretary and Webmaster.
To achieve this, it was suggested that a secure program such as Mailchimp be employed, with two separate mailing groups. President Bryce referred the matter to Webmaster, Mikael, and Secretary, Rob, to investigate the software options. Changes to the registration and permissions statements should likewise be brought before the Board for approval. The recruitment of an Education Chair and Committee is to be determined as Roles & Responsibilities are adopted by the Board members, under the guidance of President Bryce. The policy developed to meet the Board’s Operational Guidelines is to be written by President Bryce, and brought to the Board. When adopted, posted to the website and become a part of the Club’s Bylaws & Policies, along with existing and future policies for other communications and information sharing.
Murray expressed a wish for regular information mailings to members. As the role of the club is beekeeping information, the content of those mailings should be seasonally appropriate beekeeping information. The Education Committee will be referred to explore how to approach that request.
4.4) Schedule of Meetings – BOD and General
Goal; to emphasise education and separate Business and Education components. There
was a long discussion around how to meet this objective, while maintaining an informed membership. With the club’s focus to remain on education and fellowship, Field Days and Education components of meetings must be encouraged. It was acknowledged that members must be able/encouraged to attend Board meetings as observers, if they wish, and that members must be able to keep informed of Club Business. With Board Minutes and Agendas posted to the website members may stay informed, and are, as ever, encouraged to share their interest or concerns with Board members to represent them at those meetings. President Bryce will draft a policy statement regarding the engagement of members in Board meetings that represents the motion that was adopted following this discussion:
Motion: “That KBC Board meetings be held at 6pm on the second Tuesday of alternate months, alternating with KBC General meetings to be held bimonthly on the second Tuesday at 6pm. Extra Board meetings, as required, may be called with two weeks notice and occuring two weeks before scheduled Board meetings”. M/Murray Willis, S/Ian Farber; carried.
Next Board Mtg; Tue Feb 23rd 6pm by Zoom Next General Mtg; Tue March 9th 6pm by Zoom
5) Guest Speakers at General Meetings –
There is a budget for Honoraria to host speakers at general meetings. The schedule of speakers and topics should be seasonally appropriate. The responsibility of arranging the Education Component at meetings and Field Days should fall to the Education Chair & Committee. That role is, as yet, unadopted. Ian volunteered to inquire after one speaker prospect for the March 9th General meeting. The time, topic, format and availability of the speaker remain undetermined. Ian and Bryce to confirm before publication. The question of Guest Fees was not addressed, though it is suggested under the BCHPA Bylaws.
6) Fundraising –
Concern was expressed that fundraising at meetings should be de-emphasized.
Although it provides a social focus, without direct connection to club mandate it was agreed that it could continue if it were focussed on club goals ie. education and research. Perhaps fundraising efforts can be aimed at a specific objective such as the “Apiculture Research” to build club donations to the Boone-Hodgson-Wilkinson Fund or the NBDC (National Bee Diagnostic Centre), or to support the BCHPA’s Tech Transfer Program, or the Bee Biomics Lab at UBC. This matter will fall to the Fundraising and Fellowship Chair & Committee as Board Roles & Responsibilities are adopted.
In the matter of Beekeeper Education Component of General Meetings and Field Days: concern was expressed that the club should encourage the attendance of guests at meetings and Field Days. Members may invite and should introduce Guests to the meetings and to develop the fellowship among new and prospective members. However, those prospective beekeepers should be encouraged to become members of the club/Branch as soon as possible, developing their knowledge and place in the beekeeping community.`
7) Small Group Field Days –
Field Days via video conferencing was discussed as a major focus for member
engagement. While it was agreed that seasonally appropriate content might be delivered this way, it remains that the responsibility should fall to the role of Education Chair & Committee.
8) Board Development –
President Bryce explained a proposal to continue in this direction to develop a Bylaw
Review and Policy for the Kamloops Branch. The proposal would ask Jeremy Heighton as a non-member, to examine BCHPA Bylaws & Policy and develop an operational plan for the Kamloops Branch based on the club’s historical and present operating plan (Roles & Responsibilities Final Draft document of the Ed Perszon R&R Committee 2018-9). It was recorded that a budget allotment for this has been present for the 2020 and 2021 Budgets as Board Development line item. This process was begun, involving Jeremy Heighton as a consultant in 2019.
Motion: “That the Board propose up to $300 Honorarium to Jeremy Heighton to draft a Board Development Operational Plan for the Board of the Kamloops Branch of BCHPA within the BCHPA Bylaws”. M/Rob Hunter, S/Joanne Nicklas, carried, 1 opposed.
8) Next Meeting – by Zoom; Board; Tue. Feb 23rd 6pm General; Tue March 9th 6pm
9) Adjournment – 8:30pm
Motion; “That the meeting adjourn.” M/Lawrence Bergstrand, S/Dave Bruce, carried.
PDF File: KBC Board Meeting Feb 9th 2021