Kamloops Beekeepers Club
General Meeting Minutes, 19 April 2022
Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre
Present: Duane, Bryce, Ian, Joanne, Nancy, Trish, Dave
Call to order: 18:41
Approve agenda: M Joanne, S Ian, passed
Approve minutes: M Duane, S Nancy, passed
Action items:
Field Day: 23 April. Final details and tasks assigned for follow-up.
Ian: motion to not purchase additional insurance for upcoming field day. S Dave
- To have EpiPen on site_aware of situation and mitigation of risks
- Known claims at field days from Cooperators – vehicle accident in parking lot, sting
- Annual insurance policy $500; covers meetings and all field days
- Have coverage through Duane’s policy re: his hives. To determine if the apiary property can be added as a covered property?
Vote: no additional insurance unless apiary property is not covered; if not adequately covered we will purchase the annual insurance. All in favour
New Business:
- Communications: Trish will reach out to Mac re interest in joining board
- Meeting formats:
General meeting: face to face only: Presenter through Zoom recorded and posted
Old zoom link to be suspended and new meeting link for general meetings
Board meeting via zoom - Guest Speaker for May meeting: options
- North Shuswap presenter – contact Joe for presenter information
- Splits or introduction of new queens
- Diane – topic TBD
Committee Reports:
Treasurer: Dave, $12,910 at end of March. Need new interest, members and fundraising opportunities. Bryce will work with media to promote club and field day.
Events: Nancy, Table for Day of the Honeybee at Sat 28th Farmer’s Market. Need volunteers.
Fundraising: Joanne, Selling queen and nuke raffle tickets at field day. Silent auction for items.
Education: Ian, covered previously
BCHPA General meeting is in Kamloops in October. May need assistance. Do need club presence.
June field day/picnic: mid to end of June; need location, check with those we know with property.
Next Meetings: General Meeting: 17th May, 18:30 TRU Scratch kitchen
BOD Meeting: 21st June, 18:30 Virtual
Adjournment: 2 0:28 M Dave
PDF File of minutes: 20220419-BOD-Minutes