Kamloops Beekeepers Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 18 April 2023
Via GoogleMeet
Present: David, Gary, Mikael, Duane, Trisha, Joanne, Bryce, Nancy, Marg and Joe
Call to order: 18:38
Approve the agenda: M Bryce, S Joanne
Action items:
- Survey.
- Field Day of Joe Lamond’s: planning document updated and circulated.
- Nuria Morfin (TTP) is confirmed and ready for an outside presentation.
New Business:
- TRU update: requested a field day. Still working through ownership and responsibility for the TRU apiary. Club interest is in hosting field days at the location and supporting the TRU apiary.
- North Thompson Fall Fair: Sept 2 – 4, 2023. Same weekend as Armstrong.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer: Dave. The account is over $11,000.
The home show was a great PR exercise. Big thank you to Nancy and Dave for making it a success!
Technology: Mikael. Google Meet appears to work. Mail Chimp campaigns are working – 68%
open rate. FB has been updated for field day. Updated calendar plug-in added to the website.
Board Development:
Events: Nancy. Day of the pollinator – 20 May. Need 4/5 people in the booth; information only. Nancy will send Mikael a note to send out for volunteers.
Fundraising: Joanne. Art Knapp $1,000 for the club. Hive to go out to Joe’s.
Education: – currently covered by monthly field days? May meeting, Gary – testing Nosema
Communications: Mac. none
Regional Report: Murray Willis. none
Next Meetings:
Field Day: Saturday, 29 April 2023 – Lamond’s bee yard, Savona
General Meeting: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 6:30 PM – TRU Scratch Café (Nosema Testing)
BOD Meeting: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, GoogleMeet
General Meeting: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – TRU Scratch Café
BOD Meeting: Tuesday, 15 August 2023, GoogleMeet
General Meeting: Tuesday, 19 September 2023 – TRU Scratch Café
BOD Meeting: Tuesday, 17 October 2023, GoogleMeet
General Meeting: Tuesday, 21 November 2023 – TRU Scratch Café
Adjournment: M Bryce 19:59