Things are moving along quite quickly now in the bee world! It’s a challenge to stay ahead of a colony of bees, but with the guidance of our May special guest, Dr Dewey Caron, you May get some pointers for June and July!
The minutes of our May meeting include the links to a few of the educational resources, and to the club’s organizational tools that can keep us building our own “colony strength”! Bee sure to follow the links and to look at the website for these developments.
It was great to see many of our members able to join in the May meeting. We hope that you are able to continue your club engagement and bee part of our Spring Buildup!
Your secretary;
Robert Hunter
KBC General Mtg May 18th 2021
Call to order; 6:08pm via Zoom. BOD Present; Bryce Herman, Mikael Kjellstrom (host), Duane Robinson, Klaus Voss, Gary Martin, Dave Bruce, Lawrence Bergstrand, Joanne Nicklas, Ian Farber, Nancy Burkholder, Robert Hunter, Christine Vansolkema (acting). Total attendance; 37.
Agenda; Motion to adopt as posted, m/Klaus Voss, s/Joe Lomond, carried.
Minutes of April 20 BOD; Motion to adopt as posted, m/Danica Wilkinson, s/ Dave Bruce, carried.
New Business;
Introduction by Ian Farber of Special Guest; Ian welcomed Dr Dewey Caron as a friend and as a well respected scientist, author, educator, and beekeeper. His publications include “Honeybee Biology & Beekeeping”, a widely used text for university level entomological courses and citizen science. Dewey brings his wealth of experience and insight to share in the area reading a hive.
Dr Caron gave a very informative and entertaining session using slides and humour, which took us through the process of hive inspection, both outside and inside through the seasons. His talk encouraged beekeepers to read large and small signs of colony condition and health. He offered a resource that is publicly available, posted here on our website;
“Tools For Varroa Management” at the “Honeybee Health”
His talk was recorded, but remains his property, unavailable for public distribution. Members can view, but not share, from this posting on our website;
The session was very informative and met the needs of all experience levels of beekeepers. Thank You Dr. Caron!
Klaus responded on behalf of the Kamloops Beekeepers of the BCHPA and offered our appreciation for this excellent presentation.
New Business;
5.1) Committee Reports; The chairpersons of committees presented reports on their activities and plans. The most important aspect of each report, and the most critical to the club’s function is the need for member engagement. A registration page has been developed and posted on the club’s website, where members are encouraged to investigate the committees that represent the interests of our members. Each of these committees, represented by a chairperson, and enthusiastic beekeepers can develop and execute plans for activities that make our Kamloops Branch into a vibrant hive of beekeepers. Member engagement is the key and this page on the website is your ticket making good things happen;
Thanks so much to our webmaster, Mikael Kjellstrom, for setting up our meetings, continuing the development of our online communications, and producing these great tools, like the one above!
So, come on and let’s make this a great year for the Kamloops beeks. Getting involved is the best way to learn and have fun!
5.1a) Governance – Lawrence Bergstrand -seeking committee members
5.1b) Technology/IT -Mikael Kjellstrom – moving club mail to Google Workspace, website being updated, looking for photos and content, seeking input
5.1c) Board Development -Gary Martin – produced table of BOD for planning succession etc to be posted to website
5.1d) Events – Nancy Burkholder – report to be posted to web and attached here, seeking input & member engagement for Calendar 2022 (50 photos).
5.1f) Education – Ian Farber – identified 3 aspects of education component to be shared among subcommittees (Meetings & Speakers, School & Community Outreach, Mentorship), seeking member engagement, seeking feedback and input re meeting presentations. Joe Lomond to continue on the Education Committee.
5.1g) Communications – Christine Vansolkema – volunteered to chair and pending BOD appointment, intending to Facebook and blog, with web content inputs.
5.2) Treasurer’s Report – Dave Bruce – reported balance of $14 099.00 with very little activity except for 34 memberships paid for 2021, and total 85 members to date (the majority being renewals from 2020 and granted fee waiver for 2021 from 2020). Reminded us that memberships expire on Dec 31 of each year.
5.3) Regional Rep’s Report – Murray Willis – reported on recent BCHPA Executive teleconference/meeting; Broodminder/ Hive Scale Project, Tech Transfer Team seeking leader to hire, Pollen Study Project underway, new Branch in the Nicola Valley has 16 members (Congratulations! We are inspired by your enthusiasm!), BCHPA Environment Committee is seeking input concerning ways to align apiculture and the BCHPA with sustainable practices Diane Dunaway is Chair.
Meeting Dates;
Board of Directors Tuesday June 15th 6pm Zoom
General Meeting Tuesday July 20th 6pm Zoom? In Person? TBA
Adjournment; 8pm, m/Klaus Voss, carried
Events Report for May 18, 2021 Kamloops Beekeepers Meeting
Due to Covid 19 most of our outreach opportunities have been canceled.
Seedy Saturday did go ahead at the Kamloops Winter Farmers Market, however no displays were allowed so our normal large hands on display, demonstrations and honey sale could not take place.
The Day of the Honeybee, which our club normally does large display booth with kids crafts and lots of pollinator information at the Kamloops Farmers Market in May also could not go ahead as there are no displays allowed at Markets this year.
Kamloops Home Show on October 16 and 17 is still planning to go ahead, however, if it is canceled entrance fees are not returned. Due to the Covid risks to our members and the public and the risk of financial loss if it is canceled I would suggest that we do not attempt to participate in the Home show this year but to consider the possibility next spring or fall as it is a tremendous way to inform the public about Honey bees and other pollinators.
New members are encouraged to take part in all of these. “By teaching we learn twice.” In both the Home Show and Seedy Saturday there are opportunities to sell your honey and hive products as well.
If we are to have a 2022 Kamloops Beekeepers Calendar we will need to have a team of at least 5 or 6 members by the end of May. At least two of the team need to be experienced beekeepers able to write a series of “How to” articles on well proven sustainable beekeeping topics. We will also need at least 50 high quality digital photographs (At least 300 dpi) representing all seasons and topics.
If you are interested in being on the team please contact Nancy Burkholder by May 31. We will have a photo uploader emailed out to members.
Please make sure that it is your original photograph and that you have permission from anyone in the photograph to have it published in our calendar. Be sure to include your name so that you get photo credits.
Lifetime Membership. Each year we are allowed one long-time local BCHPA member that has contributed greatly to our local club to receive a lifetime membership to the Kamloops Beekeepers portion of our BCHPA membership. You can read more about it on our website along with the nomination form.