It is with great pleasure to invite you to our May 18th Educational Bee Club Meeting to meet with one of the great bee masters of our time, Dr. Dewey Caron!
Dewey Caron is widely recognized for his contributions to beekeeping education and research over many decades. We are fortunate to have him attend our May meeting via Zoom for a short presentation as outlined below by Dr. Caron:
Reading brood frames: Action central in a beehive is the brood sphere (by May an oval). The colony can be a ‘good book’ with a great tale to tell by flipping the ‘pages’ (i.e., brood frames). What should we be looking for when we remove a brood frame? How and why it is important to evaluate if the colony is queenright and progressing normally for May.
Dr. Caron has indicated that he will receive questions following his 30-40 minute presentation
This meeting is open to members of the Kamloops Beekeepers.