KBC General Mtg March 9th 2021
- Call to Order – 6:10pm by Pres.Bryce
- Agenda – “Move to adopt as posted”, m/Klaus, s/Rob, carried.
- Minutes of “Move to adopt as posted”, m/Dave,,s/Ian, carried.
- Action
4.1) Introduction of 2021 Board Pres.Bryce;
- Bryce Herman
- 1st VP Klaus Voss
- 2nd VP Duane Robinson
- Treasurer – Dave Bruce
- Secretary – Robert Hunter
- Directors and their Responsibilities;
- Education – Ian Farber
- Technology – Mikael Kjellstrom
- Fundraising & Sponsorship – Joanne Nicklas
- Special Events – Nancy Burkholder
- Communications – Murray Willis
- Governance – Lawrence Bergstrand
- Board Development – Gary Martin
4.2) Communication/Direct Email – Members are asked to keep their contact information current with the Membership Chair/Treasurer, and to inform if they are aware of members who have been missed on the contact list. An “Unsubscribe” option is to be added to the Membership page and email for members who do not wish to receive club mail. The current membership and their contact info is posted on the website behind the privacy screen of the members’ page/login. Members can expect messages regarding club activity as well as website postings that provide information availability outside of their message streams.
- New Business
5.1) Introduction of Guest Speaker – Ian introduced our special guest, Diane Dunaway. He pointed out Diane’s experience as a Bee Master and certified instructor, a honey producer, as a past editor of BeesCene, and as the Thompson-Nicola-Cariboo Region Apiary Inspector. Diane is not only highly qualified to share her extensive beekeeping knowledge but remains up-to-date on scientific and practical aspects of apiary science, as well as being a very pleasant person!
5.2) Daine spoke for about an hour, covering the topics of;
- The role of the Apiculture Branch and Apiary Inspectors
- The history of the branch
- The Animal Health Act (was The Bee Act until 2018??)
- Inspections – what to expect and when required
- Spring Beekeeping Tips – Nutrition, cluster assessment, reversing, spring cleaning, deadout inspection, comb and woodware sterilization, mite monitoring and treatment, spring diseases, sampling procedures, colony population leveling, early problem avoidance steps for wasps, ants, bears etc. A number of questions were presented and answered via Chat and early submissions.
Thank you, so much, Diane for a very informative and valuable presentation. Thank you for making yourself available to our club for this presentation and for helping us keep our beekeeping area strong, safe and healthy!
- Meeting Dates BOD April 13 General May 11th
Members were reminded that they are welcome at board meetings. Members can contact President Bryce or any board member to express their wish to attend and share an idea or concern, or just to get involved!
Motion to Adjourn, m/Frank Blom, s/Ian Farber, carried.
Video of the meeting: https://youtu.be/c1befAf-Llc
Handouts from Diane Dunaway