Club Contacts
We have a Facebook page and we want you to follow us there for the latest news and events.
Our Instagram feed is at https://www.instagram.com/kamloopsbeekeepersclub/
Media Liaison
Media Liaison for media inquiries or information from our local branch of the BC Honey Producers Association.
Duane Robinson | communications@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
Facebook & Social Media Contacts:
Duane Robinson | communications@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
Mikael Kjellström | webmaster@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
BCHPA Thompson-Nicola Representative:
Murray Willis | hurrymurray@hotmail.ca | (250) 851-8827
Thompson & Cariboo Area Apiary Inspector
Gary Martin | mgary654@gmail.com | (778) 257-5099
BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Apiculture Branch
Apiary Inspector for the Thompson & Cariboo:
Gary Martin is our Thompson & Cariboo Area Apiary Inspector.
You can reach him by email at (778) 257-5099