A Branch of the British Columbia Honey Producers Association

Club Contacts


We have a Facebook page and we want you to follow us there for the latest news and events.


Our Instagram feed is at https://www.instagram.com/kamloopsbeekeepersclub/

Media Liaison

Media Liaison for media inquiries or information from our local branch of the BC Honey Producers Association.

Please use the Comment box below to contact us with inquiries about our Branch of the BC Honey Producers Association. Our volunteers will attempt to respond to your inquiries promptly. Members are asked to keep their personal contact information current by updating this and other information through the Contact Page with the club’s web manager. Thank you!
Contact Us

Duane Robinson | communications@kamloopsbeekeepers.com

Facebook & Social Media Contacts: 
Duane Robinson | communications@kamloopsbeekeepers.com
Mikael Kjellström | webmaster@kamloopsbeekeepers.com

BCHPA Thompson-Nicola Representative:
Murray Willis | hurrymurray@hotmail.ca | (250) 851-8827

Thompson & Cariboo Area Apiary Inspector
Gary Martin | mgary654@gmail.com | (778) 257-5099

BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Apiculture Branch
Apiary Inspector for the Thompson & Cariboo:
Gary Martin is our Thompson & Cariboo Area Apiary Inspector.

You can reach him by email at (778) 257-5099